Collection: Peter Mattinson

Magwyd Pete yn Swydd Efrog ac mae bellach yn byw ym Mhwllheli gyda’i bartner a fagwyd yn yr ardal ac mae’n dysgu siarad Cymraeg. Mae wedi bod ag angerdd gydol ei oes at waith celf ac wedi datblygu technegau amrywiol ar gyfer paentio a'i waith tri dimensiwn.

Yn yr 1980au dechreuodd wneud copïau wrth raddfa o adeiladau a chelfi addurnedig ar gyfer casglwyr tai doliau graddfa 1/12fed. Daeth galw mawr am y rhain yn gyflym ac aeth gwaith i gleientiaid ym Mhrydain, America, Ewrop a llawer o wledydd eraill. Daeth comisiynau gan amgueddfeydd a manwerthwyr arbenigol yn ogystal â chasglwyr preifat.

Mae ei waith wedi’i arddangos mewn lleoliadau megis eiddo The Shakespeare Trust, The Bruce Museum yn UDA ac un uchafbwynt yn benodol oedd tŷ camlas o’r Iseldiroedd yn cael ei arddangos yn yr Oriel Gelf Genedlaethol yn Washington D.C. fel rhan o arddangosfa fawr.

Mae gan Pete hoffter o beintio a datblygodd y syniad o ddefnyddio tei gwddw dyn fel cymeriad, ac a fu'n boblogaidd iawn. Yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae wedi bod yn peintio pobl a'i nod yw creu stori o fewn y gwaith. Mae'n well ganddo beidio â datgelu ei feddyliau gwreiddiol ac mae'n gobeithio hau ychydig o hadau i eraill eu dehongli eu hunain. Mae'n hoffi gweithio gyda'r golau a'r tywyllwch o fewn y paentiad i greu awyrgylch arbennig

Pete was brought up in Yorkshire and now lives in Pwllheli with his partner who grew up in the area and is learning to speak Welsh. He has had a lifelong passion for artwork and has developed various techniques for both painting and his three-dimensional work.

In the 1980s he began making scale copies of buildings and ornate furniture for the collectors of 1/12th scale dolls houses. These quickly became in demand and work went to clients in Britain, America, Europe and many other countries. Commissions have come from museums and specialist retailers as well as private collectors.

His work has been displayed at such locations as The Shakespeare Trust properties, The Bruce Museum in the USA and one highlight in particular was a Dutch canal house being displayed at The National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. as part of a major exhibition.

Pete has a love of painting and developed the idea of using a man's necktie as a character, which proved very popular. In recent years he has been painting people and his aim is to create a story within the work. He prefers not to disclose his original thoughts and hopes to sow a few seeds for others to apply their own interpretation. He likes to work with the light and dark within the painting to create a particular atmosphere

4 products
  • Encil y cyfansoddwr / The composers retreat
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  • Hir yw pob ymaros / The long wait
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  • Hediad gyda'r nos / The evening flight
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  • Cyfarfod fi o dan y gusan / Meet me under the kiss
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