Collection: Jon Hastings

Llwyddodd Jon i gwblhau cyrsiau Mynediad a HNC mewn Celf a Dylunio gan arddangos ei waith yn Stiwdio Agored Gwyl Safle Stroud, Swydd Gaerloyw yn 2014 a 2017. Ym mis Gorffennaf 2019 cynhaliodd ei arddangosfa unigol gyntaf o baentiadau yn Oriel Lansdown, Stroud, ‘Outside In(Side) Out’, a chymerodd ran yn ‘Llwybr Celf’ Artistiaid Gogledd Bryste yn 2019 a 2022.  Mae ei waith hefyd wedi cael sylw yn yr ‘Other Worlds are Possible’  yn y Corn Exchange ym Mryste.

Yn ogystal a phaentio, mae Jon hefyd yn creu gwaith gan ddefnyddio cyfryngau eraill: 3-D, gosod, ffotograffiaeth, celf fideo, a sain. Mae rhai o’r ffurfiau eraill yma wedi eu harddangos mewn arddangosfa gydweithredol gyda’r bardd David Slattery, ‘A Dialogue between Words and Images’  yn 2017. Fel rhan o ŵyl SITE Stroud ym mis Medi 2021, cynhyrchodd gyfres o weithiau safle-benodol ar gyfer prosiect yn y plasdy Gothig, Woodchester, Swydd Gaerloyw, ‘Floating Flaws @ Woodchester Mansion’ mewn cydweithrediad â'r cerflunydd Paul Grellier. Roedd y rhain yn cynnwys fideo, a seinwedd, a phortread collage mawr o'r dyn y tu ôl i'r fenter, William Leigh. Mae cyfres wahanol o weithiau aml-gyfrwng/collage sy'n gysylltiedig â darnau penodol o gerddoriaeth hefyd ar y gweill, a gellir eu harddangos yn ddiweddarach yn 2024. Mae paentiadau Jon yn yr arddangosfa hon yn ddetholiad o’i gyfres ddiweddaraf a ysbrydolwyd gan ei berthynas hirsefydlog ag Ynys Enlli. Yn ganlyniad bron i ddwy flynedd o waith, maent yn bersonol gan ymateb i brofiadau, lleoliadau ac atgofion arbennig o Enlli, ac yn mynegi ei gysylltiad emosiynol parhaus a'i hoffter o’r ynys unigryw yma.

Jon successfully completed Access and HNC courses in Art and Design and exhibited his work, in 2014 and 2017, in the Open Studio element of the Stroud Site Festival, in Gloucestershire. In July 2019 he put on his first solo exhibition of paintings at Lansdown Gallery in Stroud, ‘Outside In(Side) Out‘, and has participated twice in the North Bristol Artists Art Trail in 2019 and 2022. His work has also been featured at the Other Worlds are Possible gallery at the Corn Exchange in Bristol.

In addition to painting, Jon also creates work using other media: 3-D, installation, photography, video art, and sound. Some of these other forms were realised in a collaborative exhibition with poet David Slattery, ‘A Dialogue between Word and Image,’ in 2017. As part of the Stroud SITE festival in Sept 2021, he produced a series of site-specific works for a project at the abandoned Gothic house, Woodchester Mansion, in Gloucestershire, ‘Floating Flaws @ Woodchester Mansion’ in collaboration with sculptor Paul Grellier. These included a video, a soundscape, and a large collage portrait of the man behind the doomed enterprise, William Leigh. A different series of multi-media/collage works linked to specific pieces of music is also underway and may be exhibited later in 2024.

Jon’s paintings in this exhibition are a selection from his latest series inspired by his long-standing relationship with the Welsh island Ynys Enlli (Bardsey Island). Nearly two years in the making, they are a personal response to particular experiences, locations, and memories of Bardsey, that express his enduring emotional connection with, and affection for this singular place.

6 products
  • Cyfres Enlli Series: Yr Ysgol
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  • Cyfres Enlli Series: Mynydd 2 / Mountain 2
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  • Cyfres Enlli Series: Tŷ Pellaf / Dynogoch
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  • Cyfres Enlli Series: Pen Diban
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  • Cyfres Enlli Series: Mynydd 1 / Mountain 1
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  • Cyfres Enlli Series: Henllwyn
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