Collection: Amanda Samane Ord

Mae gwaith Amanda yn aml-haenog, ac yn eich tynnu i fewn i weld yr ystod eang o ddeunyddiau y mae’n eu defnyddio, megis olew, acrylig, inc, pensil graffit, delweddau monoprint, mapiau a collages o’i lluniau ei hun.

Yn dilyn arddangos ledled y wlad, mae arddull Amanda wedi aeddfedu ac wedi dod yn fwy arbrofol gyda’r defnydd o gyfryngau cymysg ynghyd ag ymdeimlad  chwareus a naïf bendigedig, sy’n dangos ei chariad at fythynnod a’r arfordir. Mae ei gwaith newydd yn chwarae gyda golau, lliw a symudiad ac yn cael ei ysbrydoli gan amser wedi ei dreulio ar arfordir gogledd Cymru.

Enillodd Amanda radd BA (Anrh) mewn Cerflunio Celfyddyd Gain yng Nghaerfaddon gan astudio rhwng 1991 a 1993, yn dilyn cwrs Sylfaen yn 1990. Cyn hynny bu’n dysgu celf yn rhan-amser yn Ysgol Moreton Hall gan ddarparu cymorth a chyngor ar dechneg celf i fyfyrwyr TGAU a Safon Uwch.

Mae Amanda yn rhannu ei hamser rhwng Sir Gaer a’i chartref yn Nefyn, lle mae’n cael ei hysbrydoli’n fawr gan yr awyrgylch a’r traethau.

Amanda’s work is multi-layered, drawing you in to look at the wide range of materials she uses, such as oil, acrylic, ink, graphite pencil, monoprinted images, maps and collages of her own photos.

After exhibiting throughout the country, Amanda’s style has matured and become more experimental with the use of mixed media together with a sense of playfulness and a wonderful naivety, showing her love of cottages and the coast. Her new work plays with light, colour and movement and is inspired by time spent on the north Wales coast.

Amanda obtained her BA (Hons) degree at Bath in Fine Art Sculpture from 1991 – 1993, following an Arts Foundation course in 1990. Previously she taught art part-time at Moreton Hall School providing support and art technique advice to the GCSE and A Level students.

Amanda splits her time between Cheshire and her home in Nefyn, north Wales where she is heavily inspired by the atmosphere and seascape.

5 products
  • Golau Lleuad ar Gerigos / Moonlight on Pebbles
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  • Lleuad yn Codi / Moonrise
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  • Adra 48 / Home 48
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  • Am Dro Gyda’r Nos / Evening Stroll
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  • Pan Fyddi’n Aros / When You Stop
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