Collection: Arabella Nock

'Rwyf o hyd yn arbrofi yn fy ngwaith, yn chwilio am syniadau a chysyniadau a ffyrdd gwahanol ag amrywiol i'w mynegu. 'Mae'r ffurf dynol wedi fy hudo ac rwyf wedi cael gymaint o bleser oi astudio'n fanwl. Rwyf yn denyddio'r ffurf dynol fel llestr i hebrwng y syniad neu'r emosiwn.Mae wedi datblygu i fod yn ffordd ffantastig o feithrin dealltwriaeth rhwng yr artist a'r gweledydd.

'Rwyf yn ceisio gadael i bobl 'weld' yr un ffordd a mi, gan geisio yn rhannol iddynt osod dealltwriaeth o nhw eu hunain ar wahanol lefel.

Ceisiaf dreuddio'r darn gyda fy steil i , h.y. gan fod yn egniol a brwdfrydig gyda'r defnyddiau i greu rhywbeth sydd yn gyffyrddol a sydd a phresenoldeb oddifewn ei leoliad.

Mae cast metel yn yn gyfrwng delfrydol er mwyn cadw naws ar cydarwaith corfforol , ac rwyf wedi arbrofi gyda llawer o wahanol ddeunyddiau gan gynnwys efydd a phlwm , er mwyn creu y cyferbyniad esthetig a throsiadol. 'Mae gennyf ddiddordeb angerddol yn y broses o o greu y cerflun ar camau o'i greu.'Mae'n hynod bwysig i mi fod y broses o gastio yn fy nwylo i, oherwydd mae'r siwrne yma yn creu bond rhyngddaf ar darn gwaith.Gan fy mod wedi astudio mewn Prifysgol gyda chyfleusterau ffwndi heb eu ail, mae gennyf ddealltwriaeth dwfn a gwerthfawrogiad o gastio metel.

'Mae'r gwaith sydd yn fy mhortffolio yn ganlyniad i fy ymchwiliad a datblygiad yn ystod diwedd fy ngwrs gradd . Erbyn hyn 'rwyf yn gweithio ar gasgliad o gerfluniau newydd sydd yn cysynu yr holl ddeunyddiau a ffactorau cyfansoddiadol.

I am constantly experimenting in my work, looking at ideas and concepts and different ways of expressing them. The human form has always been a fascination for me, and I have derived much pleasure from studying it intently.

I use the figure as a vessel with which to carry an idea or emotion. It has become a fantastic tool for fostering understanding between artist and viewer.

I try to allow people to 'see' in the same way I do, aiming in part to instil an understanding of themselves on a different level.

I aim to permeate the piece with my own style, being vigorous and energetic with the material to achieve something which is tactile and has a presence within its setting. Cast metal is the ideal media for preserving this sense of physical interaction and I have experimented with the full range using their different properties for aesthetic and metaphorical contrast, from lead and bronze to cast iron. I am intensely interested in the process of creating a sculpture and the different stages it goes through.

It is important to me to take as much of the casting process as possible into my hands as it is a journey and helps to forge an even stronger bond with the piece.

Having studied at a university with excellent foundry facilities, I have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for metal casting.

The body of work which makes up my graduate portfolio is as a result of my exploration during the latter part of my undergraduate development. I am now working on new collection of sculptures which have their own concept, utilising the factors of composition, material considerations and metaphor.

5 products
  • Breuddwydiwr / Dreamer 5/9
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  • Meddwl yn gadarnhaol / Positive Thinking 3/9
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  • Afiaith / Exuberance 2/9
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  • Afiaith / Exuberance 3/9
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  • Arielle (cast to demand)
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