Collection: Francisco Centofanti

Mae Francisco Centofanti wedi bod yn artist proffesiynol ers dros ugain mlynedd yn dilyn graddio o Academi Gelf Fflorens, yr Eidal. Mae’n creu gweithiau celf cyffrous ac eiconig gyda chyfuniad digynsail o ysbrydoliaeth gyfoes a thechnegau traddodiadol.

Mae ei waith wedi cael ei arddangos yn helaeth ac yn cael ei gasglu gan gleientiaid yn Efrog Newydd, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Tokyo, Paris, Stockholm, Florence a Llundain. Mae ei gasglwyr rhyngwladol niferus yn cynnwys y deliwr celf Martin Summers, yr ariannwr Mark Lapidus, yr awdur Nigel Hinton, Don Foster AS a blaenwr The Who, Roger Daltrey CBE.

"Mae Francisco Centofanti yn arlunydd gwych. Rwyf wrth fy modd gyda'i baentiadau tirwedd - mae'n dal golau a lliwiau'n wych." Roger Daltrey CBE

“O’r amser y gadewais Fflorens yn 1999 rwyf wedi bod yn darlunio a phaentio bron yn ddi-stop, yn chwilio’n gyson ac yn archwilio gwahanol gyfryngau a phynciau, gan geisio asio’r hen a’r newydd i ddod o hyd i iaith weledol a fydd yn siarad â phobl gyfoes, bydd yn dod â llawenydd, rhyfeddod ac ymdeimlad o'r dirgelwch mawr."

Francisco Centofanti has been a professional artist for over twenty years since graduating from the Florence Academy of Art, Italy. He creates exciting and iconic works of art with an unprecedented fusion of contemporary inspiration and traditional techniques.

His work has been exhibited extensively and is collected by clients in New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Tokyo, Paris, Stockholm, Florence and London. His many international collectors include art dealer Martin Summers, financier Mark Lapidus, writer Nigel Hinton, Don Foster MP and The Who's frontman, Roger Daltrey CBE.

"Francisco Centofanti is a fabulous artist. I particularly love his landscape paintings - he captures light and colours brilliantly." Roger Daltrey CBE

"From the time I left Florence in 1999 I have been drawing and painting practically non-stop, constantly searching and exploring different mediums and subjects, trying to fuse the old and the new to come up with a visual language that will speak to people in modern times and will bring joy, wonder and a sense of the great mystery."

4 products
  • Lumiere - Midsummer Moonlight
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  • Lumiere - Wässāl
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  • Lumiere - Gǎllwn
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  • Lumiere - Saåll
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