Collection: Ella Chester

“Rwy'n ffotograffydd 22 oed o Fanceinion. Astudiais ffotograffiaeth yn y coleg, cyn penderfynu sefydlu fy hun fel artist annibynnol yn ddiweddar.

Mae fy ymarfer yn canolbwyntio ar arbrofi â phrosesau ffotograffig amgen o fewn categorïau natur, tirwedd a chelfyddyd gain botanegol. Yn ogystal â thynnu lluniau tirwedd traddodiadol, (y rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn cael eu tynnu yng Nghymru), mae fy ngwaith hefyd yn cymryd agwedd gysyniadol trwy gynhyrchu gwaith a grëwyd yn ddigidol. Gan amrywio yn ei arddull weledol, mae fy ngwaith yn gobeithio canolbwyntio ar amlygu harddwch y dyluniad, y ffurf a’r siapiau a welwn ym myd natur trwy gyfrwng celf a ffotograffiaeth.

Rwy’n adnabod pŵer gweledol ffotograffiaeth felly rwy’n ceisio cysylltu straeon a themâu â fy ngwaith a’m prosiectau. Yn 2022, bûm yn ddigon ffodus i gael fy newis ar gyfer ysgoloriaeth gyda Sefydliad Ffotograffiaeth Broffesiynol Prydain, am fentoriaeth blwyddyn o hyd a oedd yn brofiad gwerthfawr. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, cyflwynodd y beirniaid yn yr athrofa fy ngwobr gyntaf am un o'm delweddau.

Rwyf yng nghamau cynnar fy ngyrfa gelf, ond fy ngobaith yw gallu rhannu fy ngwaith gyda chymaint o bobl a phosibl trwy, gobeithio, arddangosfeydd oriel a gwerthu fy mhrintiau.

I'm a 22 year old Manchester based photographer. I studied photography at college, before recently deciding to set up as an independent artist. 

My practice focuses on the experimentation of alternative photographic processes within the categories of nature, landscape and botanical fine art. As well as capturing traditional landscape shots, (the majority of which are photographed in Wales), my work also takes a conceptual approach by producing digitally created work. Varying in its visual style, my work hopes to focus on highlighting the beauty of the design, form and shapes we see in nature through the medium of art and photography.

I recognise the visual power of photography so I try and connect stories and themes to my work and projects. In 2022, I was lucky enough to be selected for a scholarship with the British Institute of Professional Photography, for a year long mentorship which was a valuable experience. During this time, the judges at the institute presented me my first award for one of my images. 

I'm in the early stages of my art career, but my hope is to be able to share my work with as many people as possible through, hopefully, gallery exhibitions and the sales of my prints. 

6 products
  • Adwaith Cadwynol / Chain Reaction
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  • Sibrydion / Whispers
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  • Tomen Lechi / Shards
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  • Heddychlon 03 / Serenity 03
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  • Heddychlon 01 / Serenity 01
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  • Heddychlon 04 / Serenity 04
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