Collection: Bronwyn Williams-Ellis

‘Am Gymru'

Bu’r arddangosfa gan Bronwyn ym Mhlas Glyn-y-Weddw yng ngwanwyn 2024. Roedd yn cynnwys darnau cerameg 2 ddimensiwn, wedi'u hongian ar y wal, heb fod yn iwtilitaraidd. Mae'r ffocws ar linell / lluniadu gyda symudiad, lliw a gwead. Llestri pridd yn cael eu tanio, gan ddefnyddio technegau traddodiadol fel lluniad gwrth-gwyr [cuerda seca], gyda llithriadau a gwydredd alcali i greu darnau cyfoes pwerus sy'n effeithio ar y gofod mewnol y maent yn hongian ynddo.

"Wedi ei hyfforddi mewn lluniadu a serameg yng Ngholeg Celf Caerdydd, mae fy mrwdfrydedd gydol oes dros hanes, tirwedd, pensaernïaeth, archeoleg a myth, oll yn cael eu tynnu i mewn i bynciau newidiol fy ngwaith. Mae lliw a deunyddiau yn adlewyrchu dylanwadau traddodiadau Môr y Canoldir a'r Dwyrain Canol. Mae tir, dŵr, pobl, hanes a myth yng Nghymru i gyd yn gydgysylltiedig a’u gilydd."


'Of Wales’ 

The exhibition by Bronwyn was at Plas Glyn-y-Weddw in the Spring of 2924. It consisted of ceramic 2-dimensional, wall hung, non-utilitarian pieces. The focus being on line drawing with movement, colour and texture. Earthenware fired, using traditional techniques such as wax resist [ cuerda seca] drawing, with slips and alkali glazes to create powerful contemporary pieces which impact on the interior space within which they hang. 

"Trained in drawing and ceramics at Cardiff college of Art and my lifelong enthusiasms for history, landscape, architecture, archaeology, myth, are all drawn into the changing subjects of my work. Colour and materials reflect influences of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern traditions. Land, water, people, history, and myth in Wales are all deeply interconnected."

10 products
  • Clytwaith Caeau Mawr / Big Field Patchwork
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  • Llîf / Flood
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  • Dyffryn dan ddŵr / Flooded valley
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  • Haf. Clytwaith caeau / Summer. Field patchwork
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  • Y cae hir / The long field
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  • Clytwaith caeau. Bore oer / Field patchwork. Cold Morning
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  • Ychen Huw Gadron 2 / Huw Gardon’s Oxen 2
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  • Tarw coch yn pori / Red bull grazing
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  • Tarw du 2 / Black bull 2
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  • Sarff Fôr 1 / Sea Serpent 1
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