Collection: Carys Coupe

Mae Carys wedi ei geni a’i magu yn Ngogledd Cymru. Mae yn caru ei chartref, y traethau anhygoel, y pentiroedd a’r mynyddoedd sydd o’i chwmpas a dyna paham mae hi’n eu paentio.

Astudiodd Gelf Cain ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd lle bu’n archwilio Minimaliaeth, Pensaerniaeth Friwtalaidd a gwaith cerfluniol mewn ymateb i fod mewn amgylchedd trefol

Erbyn hyn, mae hi wedi dychwelyd i dirweddau lliwgar a gwyllt cefn gwlad Cymru. Defnyddia baent acrylig ar gynfas ac ar bapur i ddarlunio tirnodau lleol eiconig ynghyd a blodau hwyliog.

Carys is an artist born and raised in North Wales. She adores her home and the incredible coastlines, headlands and mountain ranges surrounding her which is why she paints them.

She studied Fine Art at Cardiff Metropolitan University where she explored Minimalism, Brutalism and sculptural work in response to being in an urban environment, but now finds herself returning to the colourful and wild landscapes of rural Wales.

Carys uses acrylic paint on canvas and on paper to depict iconic local landmarks and illustrate cheerful florals.

6 products
  • Trît Vinny / Vinny's Treat
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  • Gorwel / Horizon
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  • Llwybr i Draeth Pwllheli / Pwllheli Beach Walkway
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  • Porth Ceiriad
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  • Pys Pêr Jane / Jane’s Sweet Peas
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  • Dyfroedd Oer / Cold Waters
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