Collection: C Morys

Wedi ei geni a’i magu yng Ngwynedd, mae’r tirwedd wedi ysbrydoli diddordeb Morys mewn natur a mytholeg. Yn ddiweddar, mae hi wedi dechrau paentio ar-leoliad yn amlach, yn mwynhau’r atgofion mae hyn yn creu a’r cysylltiad ychwanegol â’r amgylchedd. 

Mae ansawdd a chrefftwaith yn bwysig iddi, ac felly mae'n defnyddio deunyddiau o ansawdd uchel. Mae paentiadau gwreiddiol unai wedi cael eu creu ar banel neu ar bapur cotwm 100%, neu papur cotwm pur sydd wedi cael ei greu yn benodol ar gyfer peintiadau olew''.

Having been born & raised in Gwynedd, the landscape has inspired Morys’ interest in nature and mythology. Recently, she’s started to paint on-location more often, enjoying the memories it creates and the added connection to the environment.
Quality and craftsmanship are important to to her, and so she uses high quality materials. Original paintings are either done on of panel or on 100% cotton paper, or pure cotton paper that is specifically created for oil painting.

6 products
  • Gwyliwr / Watcher
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  • Machlud Haul Lemwn Oeraidd / Cold Lemon Sunset
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  • Y Cob ar Galan Mai / The Cob on May Day
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  • Foxhole
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  • Cnicht yn yr Oerni / Cnicht in the Cold
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  • Llanberis ar ôl y Storm / Just after the Storm in Llanberis
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