Collection: Jenny Ryrie

Mae Jenny Ryrie yn arbenigo mewn dyfrlliw. Mae ganddi M.A. mewn Celfyddyd Gain o Gaeredin, mae’n aelod o Gymdeithas Artistiaid Brenhinol Birmingham ac yn Gydymaith o Gymdeithas Celfyddydau Penwith. Mae hi wedi arddangos ei gwaith yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol ers blynyddoedd lawer ac wedi ei lleoli ger Caer ar y ffin â Chymru, ond mae ganddi hefyd stiwdio yng Nghernyw.

Mae Jenny wedi arddangos ei gwaith gyda’r Thackeray Gallery yn Llundain a Kingfisher Gallery yng Nghaeredin, ac am nifer o flynyddoedd bu ganddi gyfres o sioeau unigol gyda Canyon Road Contemporary Art yn New Mexico, U.S.A. Mae arddangosfeydd unigol diweddar eraill yn cynnwys ‘Watershed’ gyda’r Belgrave Gallery yn St Ives, Cernyw, a 'Golau a Dwfr' ym Mhlas Glyn-y-Weddw. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n arddangos gydag Oriel yr Ynys, St.Ives.

Mae ei ffocws ar ddyfrlliw yn dilyn traddodiad hir yn ei theulu sy'n mynd yn ôl bum cenhedlaeth. Ei nod yw gwthio ffiniau’r cyfrwng ac archwilio ei botensial ar gyfer mynegiant trwy ei rinweddau unigryw o dryloywder a hylifedd.

Jenny Ryrie specialises in watercolour. She has an M.A. in Fine Art from Edinburgh, is a member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists and is an Associate of the Penwith Society of Arts. She has exhibited nationally and internationally for many years and is based near Chester on the Welsh border, but also has a studio in Cornwall.

Jenny has exhibited with the Thackeray Gallery in London and Kingfisher Gallery in Edinburgh, and for several years she had a series of solo shows with Canyon Road Contemporary Art in New Mexico, U.S.A. Other recent solo exhibitions include ‘Watershed’ with the Belgrave Gallery in St.Ives, Cornwall, and ‘Light and Water’ at Plas Glyn-y-Weddw. She currently exhibits with the Island Gallery, St.Ives.

Her focus on watercolour follows a long tradition in her family going back five generations. Her aim is to push the boundaries of the medium and explore its potential for expression through its unique qualities of translucency and fluidity.

6 products
  • Awel Gwanwyn / Spring Breeze
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  • Cildraeth Haf / Summer Cove
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  • Adlewyrchiad Cwmwl / Cloud Reflection
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  • Moroedd Goleuol / Luminous Seas
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  • Eithin ar Lwybr yr Arfordir / Gorse on the Coast Path
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  • Moroedd Gwyllt yr Haf / Wild Summer Seas
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