Collection: Cerys Medi Pollock

Mae Cerys yn arlunydd ifanc o Geredigion sy’n talu teyrnged i dirwedd odidog a bywyd gwledig Cymru trwy ei gwaith. Wedi graddio o Brifysgol Aberystwyth gyda gradd mewn Celfyddyd Gain, mae ei bywyd artistig wedi’i ddylanwadu gan liwiau a gwead deinamig tirwedd Cymru, gyda sylw arbennig at gopaon mawreddog Eryri.

“Fy thema ar gyfer fy ngwaith yw tirwedd Eryri ac amaethyddiaeth yng Nghymru, sy’n seiliedig ar fy magwraeth yng nghefn gwlad Cymru. Fe wnaeth fy mhlentyndod siapio fy nghelf, gan sicrhau ysbrydoliaeth sy'n agos at fy nghalon. Mae hanes ac iaith y wlad yn bwysig i mi, gyda’r traddodiadau hyn yn cael eu hadlewyrchu yn fy nhechneg draddodiadol a strwythurol. Rwy'n hoff o fod yn yr awyr agored, a drwy fy ngwaith celf, rwy'n ceisio dod â hynny o’r tu allan i mewn. Mae fy nghelf yn ddathliad o fyd natur, gan ein hatgoffa i oedi ac ailgysylltu â’r byd o'm hamgylch.

Gan weithio’n bennaf gyda phaent olew, defnyddiaf gymysgedd o dechnegau “Impressionistic” i bortreadu ansawdd etheraidd ein tirweddau. Gan ddefnyddio techneg cyllell balet, rwy'n defnyddio lliwiau bywiog i ymffurfio pob paentiad gydag egni ac emosiwn. Mae’r marciau impasto trwchus yn ychwanegu gwead a dyfnder, gan wahodd y gynulleidfa i ymgolli ym mhrofiad pwerus ein tirwedd.

Gan dynnu ysbrydoliaeth o gopaon mawreddog Eryri, yn ogystal a’r dyffrynnoedd tawel a thir ffermio tonnog, mae fy ngwaith celf yn ceisio ennyn ymdeimlad o arswyd a hiraeth am yr ardal hon. Bydd y lleoliad, felly, yn helpu cyfleu fy nathliad o harddwch garw a diwylliant Cymreig.

Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr arddangosfa hon yn apelio at gynulleidfa amrywiol, gan gynnwys unigolion sy’n gwerthfawrogi celf, y rhai sy'n mwynhau natur, a thwristiaid sy'n awyddus i ddysgu am olygfeydd syfrdanolCymru. O gopaon garw’r Wyddfa i raeadrau prydferth Betws-y-Coed, bydd pob paentiad yn cynnig cipolwg ar hudoliaeth oesol cefn gwlad Cymru.

Cerys is a young artist from Ceredigion who pays tribute to the magnificent landscape and rural life of Wales through her work. Having graduated from Aberystwyth University with a degree in Fine Art, her artistic life has been influenced by the colors and dynamic texture of the Welsh landscape, with particular attention to the majestic peaks of Snowdonia.

"My theme for my work is the landscape of Snowdonia and agriculture in Wales, which is based on my upbringing in the Welsh countryside. My childhood shaped my art, ensuring inspiration that is close to my heart. The history and language of the country are important to me, with these traditions being reflected in my traditional and structural technique. I like being outdoors, and through my artwork, I try to bring that from the outside in. My art is a celebration of the natural world, reminding us to pause and reconnect with the world around me.

Working mainly with oil paint, I use a mixture of "Impressionistic" techniques to portray the ethereal quality of our landscapes. Using a palette knife technique, I use vibrant colors to imbue each painting with energy and emotion. The thick impasto marks add texture and depth, inviting the audience to immerse themselves in the powerful experience of our landscape.

Taking inspiration from the majestic peaks of Snowdonia, as well as the quiet valleys and rolling farmland, my artwork seeks to evoke a sense of awe and nostalgia for this area. The location, therefore, will help convey my celebration of rugged beauty and Welsh culture.

I hope that this exhibition will appeal to a diverse audience, including individuals who appreciate art, those who enjoy nature, and tourists who are keen to learn about the stunning scenery of Wales. From the rugged peaks of Snowdon to the beautiful waterfalls of Betws-y-Coed, each painting will offer a glimpse of the timeless glamor of the Welsh countryside.

6 products
  • Pen y Bannau
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  • Nos Da Enlli / Goodnight Enlli
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  • Hwyrnos Unig ar Lyn Padarn / Lonely Evening on Llyn Padarn
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  • Goleuni’r Wyddfa / Light over Yr Wyddfa
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  • Crefydd a Chariad / Religion and Love
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  • Ceidwad y Glyderau / Keeper of the Glyderau
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