Collection: Gareth Hugh Davies
Mae’r gyfres o baentiadau a lluniadau yn ganlyniad gwaith a wnaed ar leoliad ac yn y stiwdio. Mae popeth yn dechrau gyda darlunio, a chofio. Maent yn dechrau fel ymateb ar unwaith i dirwedd benodol ond gallant drawsnewid gydag ailweithio ac ail-archwilio parhaus i’r graddau bod pryderon topograffig yn dod yn eilradd, a chaniateir i ymateb gweledol mwy personol ddatblygu.
Mae gwead ac arwyneb yn bwysig i mi, agwedd gorfforol paent, sut mae’n trin ac yn parhau i synnu gyda’i allu i gonsurio’r helaeth o’r marciau a’r ystumiau lleiaf.
Gall fynegi’r anochel.
Dywedodd Magritte am ei gyfres o baentiadau Empire of Light bod ‘Y tirwedd yn awgrymu nos a’r awyr yn awgrymu’r diwrnod. Ymddengys i mi fod yr adleoliad hwn o nos a dydd yn meddu ar y pŵer i’n synnu a’n swyno. Galwaf y pŵer hwn: barddoniaeth ’
Rwy’n credu bod y syniad hwn o ‘farddoniaeth’ wedi bod yn sail i’m dull diweddar o baentio, y syniad y gellir awgrymu’r anghyffyrddadwy trwy gyfosodiad ffurf, lliw a llinell. Syniad o dirwedd, wedi’i ail-drefnu a’i gofio i gyfleu teimlad ac ymdeimlad o ofod seicolegol.
The series of paintings and drawings is the result of work carried out on location and in the studio. Everything begins with drawing, and remembering. They begin as an immediate response to a particular landscape but may transform with continual reworking and re-examining to the extent that topographical concerns become secondary, and a more personal visceral response is allowed to develop.
Texture and surface are important to me, the physical aspect of paint, how it handles and continues to surprise with its ability to conjure the vast from the smallest of marks and gestures.
It can express the unsayable.
Magritte said of his Empire of Light series of paintings that ‘The landscape suggests night and the skyscape day. This evocation of night and day seems to me to have the power to surprise and delight us. I call this power: poetry’
I think this notion of ‘poetry’ has underpinned my recent approach to painting, the notion that the intangible can be suggested through the juxtaposition of form, colour and line. An idea of landscape, reimagined and remembered to convey feeling and a sense of a psychological space.
Dan y Clawdd Dwyreiniol / Under the Eastern Wall
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- £650.00
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- £650.00
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Storm yn Pasio / Storm Passing
- Regular price
- £475.00
- Sale price
- £475.00
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