Collection: Moy Mackay

Ers graddio o Ysgol Gelf Glasgow yn 1990, mae Moy Mackay wedi meithrin enw da am uniondeb, gwaith caled a thalent gwynias. Mae ei llygad am liw a gwead yn ddigyffelyb. Artist sydd wedi ennill gwobrau ac awdur cyhoeddedig, mae ei ‘phaentiadau ffelt’ yn ddatblygiad arloesol yng nghrefft hynafol ffeltio. Gan ddefnyddio ffibrau merino yn yr un ffordd mae peintiwr yn defnyddio trawiadau brwsh, mae pob darn bywiog, bywiog yn cyflawni dyfnder o gynhesrwydd a gwead na all paent yn unig ei ddyblygu.

Since graduating from Glasgow School of Art in 1990, Moy Mackay has built an impressive reputation for integrity, hard work and incandescent talent. Her eye for colour and texture is unparalleled. Award winning artist and published author, her ‘felt paintings’ are a pioneering development in the ancient craft of felting. Using merino fibres in the same wa a painter uses brushstrokes, each vibrant, vivid piece achieves a depth of warmth and texture that paint alone cannot replicate.


In 2016 Moy was shortlisted to the final three in her heat of Sky Arts ‘Landscape Artist of the Year’.
“Moy Mackay is a true master of her craft. She can rest assured that she has shown the world that fibre and felting, in her hands, rightly deserve a place at the high table of art.”

Kathleen Soriano
Independent curator and Sky Arts: Portrait & Landscape Artist of the Year Judge    

6 products
  • Cysglyd dan yr Awyr Ruddgoch / Ruby Sky Slumber
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  • Ger y Loch yn y Grug / By the Heather Loch
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  • Y Glyn Cyfrinachol / The Secret Glen
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  • Gwyrdd a Glas yn y Glyn / Greens and Blues at the Glen
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  • Storm ar y Ffordd / Pending Storm
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  • Glas Grisialaidd / Crystal Blue
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