Collection: Jonathan Trinder

Bu Jon yn gweithio am bron i 30 mlynedd i’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd a llywodraeth leol mewn rolau technegol yn ymwneud â phatholeg a ffiseg feddygol. Datblygodd ddiddordeb mewn gwaith haearn yn ystod ei 40au a mynychodd sawl cwrs byr. Yn 50 oed penderfynodd astudio gwaith metel artistig yn llawn amser yng Ngholeg Celfyddydau Henffordd a graddiodd yn 2020 gyda gradd dosbarth cyntaf.

Mae ganddo stiwdio astudio/dylunio yn ei gartref yn Wolverhampton ac mae'n gwneud ei gerfluniau mewn gweithdy bach yn Cradley Heath. Mae Jon yn gerflunydd metel sy'n gwneud gwaith naratif wedi'i ysgogi gan yr amgylchedd naturiol, materion ecolegol, themâu hanesyddol a chymdeithasol. Yn ei gyfres o gerfluniau adar, ychydig o elfennau allweddol sydd gan y darnau esthetig, maent yn caniatáu i’r llygad a’r meddwl lenwi'r bylchau. Mae nodweddion nodedig yn cynnwys pigau, siapiau adenydd ac osgo sy'n cyfleu hanfod y pwnc.

Agwedd bwysig ar y dull yw astudio ymddygiad pob aderyn a dal eiliad mewn amser i ddangos hyn. Daw’r gweithiau’n gydweithredol, gan fod yn gyfuniad o’r hyn a gyflwynir i’r gwyliwr a chyfraniad eu dychymyg eu hunain.

Ethos Jon yw lleihau ei ôl troed carbon lle bo’n bosibl ac mae wedi rhoi’r gorau i ddefnyddio efail tanwydd solet traddodiadol. Ar gyfer gwneud cydrannau bach, mae'n defnyddio gwresogydd anwytho trydan, tra bod darnau mwy yn cael eu gwresogi gan ffwrnais propân. Mae'r dulliau hyn yn darparu ffordd fwy amgylcheddol sensitif o gynhyrchu gwres.

Mae'r amcan yma yn ganolog i'w ymarfer ac yn cyd-fynd â'i ddiddordebau ym myd natur a'r amgylchedd. Mae Jon wedi gwneud cerflunwaith ar gyfer gosodiadau mewnol ac allanol. Y prif ddeunydd yw dur o wahanol raddau, er y gellir defnyddio metelau eraill fel copr a phres i fanylu. Mae'n defnyddio cymysgedd o dechnegau gofannu poeth a gwaith llenfetel i gynhyrchu cydrannau ar gyfer ei waith. Mae'r rhain yn cael eu huno gan ddefnyddio dulliau rhybedio traddodiadol a weldio trydan modern.

Jon worked for almost 30 years for the NHS and local government in technical roles related to pathology and medical physics. He developed an interest in blacksmithing during his 40s and attended several short courses. At the age of 50 he decided to study artist blacksmithing full time at Hereford College of Arts and graduated in 2020 with a first class honours degree.

He has a study/design studio at his home in Wolverhampton and makes his sculptures in a small workshop in Cradley Heath. Jon is a forged metal sculptor making narrative driven work inspired by the natural environment, ecological issues, historical and social themes. In his ongoing series of bird sculptures the pieces have a stripped back aesthetic comprising a few key elements that allow the mind’s eye to fill in the gaps. Distinctive features include beaks, wing shapes and postures that convey the essence of the subject.

An important aspect of the approach is to study the behaviour of each bird and capture a moment in time to illustrates this. The works become collaborative, being a blend of what is presented to the viewer and the contribution of their own imagination.

Jon’s ethos is to reduce his carbon footprint where possible and he has stopped using a traditional solid fuel forge. For making small components he uses an electric induction heater, while larger pieces are heated with a propane furnace.

These methods provide a more environmentally sensitive way of hot forging. This objective is central to his practice and ties in with his interests in nature and the environment. Jon has made sculpture for interior and exterior settings. The primary material is steel of various grades, though other metals such as copper and brass can be used for detailing. He uses a mixture of hot forging and sheet metalworking techniques to produce components for his work. These are joined using traditional riveting methods and modern electric welding.

4 products
  • Pâl / Atlantic Puffin
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  • Aderyn Drycin Manaw / Manx Shearwater
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  • Coblyn Affrica / Drinking Swift
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  • Pedryn Drycin / Storm Petrel
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