Collection: Jane Morrow

Mae Jane Morrow yn artist o ogledd Cymru, yn hunanddysgedig yn bennaf, mae hi'n cael ei hysbrydoli gan y tirweddau elfennol sydd o'i chwmpas yng Nghymru ac ar ei theithiau i fannau eraill. Fel peintiwr argraffiadol cyfoes mae hi bob amser yn ceisio dal effeithiau byrlymus golau ac awyrgylch yn ei gwaith. Mae’n creu darnau hardd, atmosfferig sy’n ei chysylltu hi a’r gwyliwr ag ymdeimlad o le. Mae ei gwaith hefyd yn archwilio syniadau am hiraeth, gan ddehongli dyhead am fannau lle mae rhywun yn ceisio ymdeimlad dwfn o berthyn i'w chelf. Mae hi’n chwilfrydig am yr angen dynol i gysylltu’n ysbrydol â thirweddau arbennig ac wrth ei bodd yn creu’r math o leoedd y gall y gwyliwr ddychwelyd iddynt trwy ei gwaith, gan gynnig eiliadau heddychlon o atgofion a myfyrio iddynt. Mae hi'n aml yn ymwneud â phaentio lleoedd naturiol sy'n agored i effeithiau newid hinsawdd a datblygiad.

“I mi mae peintio yn brofiad synhwyrus lle dwi’n teimlo bod rhaid i mi beintio pynciau mae gen i ymateb emosiynol iddyn nhw. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn peintio awyr ddramatig a thirweddau elfennol gogledd Cymru, wedi fy swyno gan ei harddwch a’i hamddiffyniad o’i breuder ond bob amser yn obeithiol, yn erlid y golau.”

Tra'n astudio celf a dylunio ar lefel sylfaen yng ngholeg Iâl, Wrecsam ym 1998, treuliodd Jane fis ffurfiannol yn Fflorens, yr Eidal. Cafodd mynediad at weithiau celf mor anhygoel yn orielau Fflorens effaith ddofn arni a phan gyrhaeddodd yn ôl i'r DU newidiodd gyfeiriad ac astudio hanes celf a llenyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Lerpwl. Aeth ymlaen i ddysgu, rhedeg gweithdai ac ysgrifennu cyrsiau ar gyfer Tate, Lerpwl gan archwilio ac ennyn diddordeb y myfyrwyr gyda'i hangerdd am hanes celf. Gyda phrofedigaeth a newidiodd ei safbwyntiau ar fywyd dychwelodd i greu celf gyda'i chariad at hanes celf yn asgwrn cefn i'w hymdrechion creadigol. Mae artistiaid fel Turner, Constable a’r argraffiadwyr Ffrengig yn dal i lywio ei gwaith heddiw a morluniau goleuol Turner a ysbrydolodd y casgliad newydd hwn o waith ochr yn ochr â harddwch dramatig Penrhyn Llŷn. Mae Jane yn paentio en plein air ac yn y stiwdio, mae ei phaentiadau wedi ymddangos mewn arddangosfeydd unigol ac yn cael eu casglu yma yn y DU ac yn rhyngwladol.

Jane Morrow is a north Wales based artist, mainly self taught, she draws inspiration from the elemental landscapes that surround her both in Wales and on her travels elsewhere. As a contemporary impressionist painter she is always seeking to capture the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere in her work. Creating beautiful, atmospheric pieces that connect her and the viewer to a sense of place. Her work also explores notions of nostalgia and Hiraeth, interpreting yearnings for places where one seeks a deep sense of belonging into her art. She is curious about the human need to spiritually connect to particular landscapes and loves to create such places in her work that the viewer can return to, offering them peaceful moments of memory and reflection. She is often concerned with painting natural places that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and development.

“For me painting is a sensuous experience where I feel compelled to paint subjects that I have an emotional response to. I love to paint dramatic skies and elemental landscapes of North Wales, enthralled by its beauty and protective of its fragility yet always hopeful, chasing the light."

Whilst studying art and design at foundation level at Yale college, Wrexham in 1998; Jane spent a formative month in Florence, Italy. Having access to such amazing works of art in the Florentine galleries had a profound effect on her and when she got back to the uk she changed direction and studied History of art and literature at the University of Liverpool. She went on to teach, run workshops and write courses for Tate, Liverpool exploring and engaging the students with her passion for art history. With a bereavement that changed her perspectives on life she returned to creating art with her love of art history being the backbone of her creative endeavors. Artists such as Turner, Constable and the French impressionists still inform her work today and it was Turner’s luminous seascapes that alongside the dramatic beauty of the Llŷn Peninsula inspired this new collection of work. Jane paints both en plein air and in the studio, her paintings have featured in solo exhibitions and are collected both here in the UK and internationally

6 products
  • Trysor Cudd, Porth Ysgaden / Hidden Gem, Porth Ysgaden
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  • Dyfroedd clir, Traeth Porthoer / Clear Waters, Whistling Sands
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  • Yr Awyr o fy Mlaen, Llŷn / The Sky Before Me, Llŷn
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  • Heddwch y Môr, Pontllyfni / Peaceful Sea, Pontllyfni
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  • Llwybr i’r Tonnau, Porth Iago / Path to the Waves, Porth Iago
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  • Harddwch y Môr, Llanbedrog/ Beauty of the Sea, Llanbedrog
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