Collection: Dominic Castree

“Graddiais o Brifysgol Morgannwg yn 2004 gyda gradd mewn ymarfer celfyddydol ac rwyf wedi peintio ynghylch pryderon mwy cyffredin ers hynny. Gweld gwaith gwreiddiol James Rosenquist mewn oriel yn Llundain pan yn saith neu wyth oed yn ôl pob tebyg wnaeth fy ysbrydoli i gynhyrchu celf pop yn y cyfnod cynnar.

Canolbwyntio ar ddehongliad modern o gyfnod y dadeni Celf Gristnogol oedd sail fy ngwaith gradd ac mae paentiadau artistiaid fel Carravagio yn parhau i ysbrydoli heddiw.

Rwy'n cael llawer o bleser yn gwrando ar gerddoriaeth tra’n paentio, ac enwau’r caneuon sydd yn fy ysbrydoli tra’n gweithio arnynt sy’n rhoi teitlau i’r darnau.

Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n byw ac yn gweithio yn Aberdâr, de Cymru.”

“I graduated from University of Glamorgan in 2004 with a degree in art practice and have painted around more mundane concerns since then.


An early face to face meeting with a James Rosenquist original in a London gallery aged probably seven or eight provided a blueprint for much pop art inspired early work. Focusing on a modern interpretation of renaissance era Christian art formed the basis of my degree work and the paintings of artists like Carravagio continue to inspire today.


I get a great deal of pleasure listening to music while I paint, the titles of these pieces are those of songs that inspired during the creation of these paintings.


I currently live and work in Aberdare, south Wales.”

5 products
  • Unfinished Sympathy
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  • Revival
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  • React.Respond
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  • Desire Lines
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  • Breakers Roar
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