Collection: Joanne Warren

“Rwyf wedi byw yng Ngogledd Cymru ers bron i 50 mlynedd ac wedi treulio'r 3 degawd diwethaf yn cerdded a rhedeg yn Eryri a'r cyffiniau. Rwy’n cael fy ysbrydoli i beintio bob tro rwy’n mynd allan i’r tirwedd hardd, ‘dwi’n cael fy syfrdanu’n aml gan yr amgylchedd, y tymhorau a’r lliwiau sy’n newid yn barhaus.

Rwy'n peintio portreadau a thirweddau ond mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn addurno penglogau anifeiliaid, sydd oll wedi'u darganfod tra allan yn cerdded. Rwy’n peintio mewn acrylig ond hefyd yn braslunio gyda phasteli a phensiliau. Mae peintio i mi bob amser wedi bod yn ryddhad ac yn fodd o ddianc ac ymlacio, ynghyd a rhoi ymdeimlad aruthrol o foddhad wrth greu rhywbeth.”

“I have lived in North Wales for nearly 50 years and have spent the last 3 decades walking and running in and around Eryri.  I am inspired to paint every time I go out into our beautiful landscape, constantly in awe of the ever-changing environment, seasons and colours.

I paint both portraits and landscapes but also have an interest in decorating animal skulls, all of which have been found whilst out walking. I paint in acrylics but also sketch with pastels and pencils. Painting for me has always been a release and means of escapism and relaxation, along with an immense sense of satisfaction in creating something.”

6 products
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  • Twyni Tywod / Sand Dunes
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  • Twr Mawr a Chroes, Llanddwyn / Twr Mawr and Cross, Llanddwyn
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  • Twr Bach, Llanddwyn
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  • Bwlch Ogwen / Ogwen Pass
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  • Eglwys Cwyfan
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