Collection: Luigi Divari

Arlunydd a darlunydd dyfrlliw naturiolaidd yw Luigi Divari (g. 1948), awdur nifer o lyfrau, pysgotwr angerddol ac arbenigwr ar fywyd morwrol ym Môr Adriatig.

Yn gyn-gapten llongau masnach, mae Luigi yn byw ac yn gweithio yn Fenis, lle cafodd ei eni a lle bu’n meithrin, o oedran ifanc iawn, angerdd oes dros bysgod a’r grefft o bysgota yn ei holl agweddau, o’r technegau ymarferol i’r astudiaeth o goblygiadau hanesyddol a chymdeithasol yr arfer.

Dechreuodd y profiadau darluniadol cyntaf gyda dyfrlliw, fel parhad o'i ddiddordeb yn y byd morol a'r gweithgareddau dynol sy'n gysylltiedig ag ef, gan gynnwys y driniaeth goginio o'r dalfa o ganlyniad. Fel y dywed Luigi ”Mae'r pysgod yn parhau i fod yn brydferth hyd yn oed ar fwrdd y gegin, ynghyd â'r cynhwysion eraill sydd fel arfer yn cyd-fynd â nhw yn eu coginio i ddod yn un o seigiau mwyaf cyffredin diet Môr y Canoldir, ac weithiau hyd yn oed ar ôl hynny, pan mai dim ond yr esgyrn sydd ar ôl. ohonyn nhw”.

Mae Divari wedi rhyddhau sawl cyhoeddiad ar y pwnc, a’r mwyaf diweddar ohonynt yw: ‘Tra il mare e Rialto’, 2022; ‘Quattro risi: piatti e storie di vecchia cucina veneziana’ 2020;  ‘A detta dei nostri pescatori’ 2019.

Luigi Divari ( b. 1948) is a naturalistic watercolour artist and illustrator, author of several books, passionate fisherman and expert of the maritime life in the Adriatic sea.

Former captain of merchant ships, Luigi lives and works in Venice, where he was born and where he cultivated, from very young age, a lifetime passion for fish and the art of fishing in all its aspects, from the practical techniques to the study of historical and social implication of the practice. The first illustrative experiences with watercolour, started as a continuation of his interest for the aquatic world and the human activities related to it, including the consequent cookery treatment of the catch. As Luigi puts it ”The fish remain picturesque even on the kitchen table, along with the other ingredients that usually accompany them in their cooking to become one of the most common dishes of the Mediterranean diet, and sometimes even after, when only the bones remain of them”.

Divari has released several publication on the subject, the most’ recent of which are : ‘Tra il mare e Rialto’, 2022; ‘Quattro risi: piatti e storie di vecchia cucina veneziana’ 2020;  ‘A detta dei nostri pescatori’ 2019.

7 products
  • Caretta Caretta / Crwban Mór / Loggerhead Sea Turtle 2022
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  • Psetta Maxima / Lleden / Turbot 2023
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  • Pecten Jacobaeus / Cragen Fylchog / Mediterranean Scallop 2023
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  • Sessanta Sardelle Circa / Tua Trigain Sardîn / Approx Sixty Sardines 2024
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  • Mullus Surmulteus / Mingrwn / Striped Red Mullet 2024
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  • Octopus Vulgaris / Octopws / Octopus 2024
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  • Scomber Scombrus / Macrell / Atlantic Mackerel 2020
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