Collection: James Naughton

Mae James Naughton yn un o brif arlunwyr tirlun cyfoes y DU ac mae wedi arddangos yn helaeth yn Llundain ynghyd ag ar hyd a lled y wlad. Yn dilyn magu cariad at gelf yn ystod ei blentyndod bu i James Naughton dderbyn Gradd Dosbarth Cyntaf ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Leeds yn 1994, ac ers hynny mae wedi mwynhau gyrfa anhygoel gan ddatblygu yn un o arlunwyr tirlun mwyaf llwyddianus Prydain. Dywedir yn aml bod paentiadau James Naughton yn creu profiad emosiynol, ysbrydol hyd yn oed ar brydiau, ond mae’n well ganddo beidio a chysylltu ystyr bendant i’w waith, mae’n hoffi i’w luniau siarad drostynt eu hunain gan adael i’r unigolyn sy’n edrych arnynt greu dialog bersonnol gyda hwy.

James Naughton is one of the UK's leading contemporary landscape painters and has exhibited extensively in London and across the country.

He pursued his childhood love of art to achieve a first class honors degree from the Metropolitan University of Leeds in 1994, and since then has enjoyed an extraordinary career and has become one of Britain's most accomplished and sought after landscape painters. It is often said that a James Naughton painting evokes an emotional experience, sometimes even a spiritual one, but he prefers not to attach definitive meanings to his work, preferring his painting to speak for itself and allowing the individual viewer his or her own personal dialogue with the image.

1 product
  • Afon i'w Dilyn / A River to Follow
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