Collection: Jenny Urquhart

Mae taith Jenny Urquhart o fod yn athrawes bioleg i fod yn artist hunanddysgedig yn un llawn llawenydd a hunan-ddarganfyddiad. Dechreuodd beintio yn 2010 ac ers hynny mae ei gwaith wedi cael ei arddangos mewn orielau a chartrefi ledled Bryste a De-orllewin Lloegr. Heb gael dim hyfforddiant ffurfiol, mae Jenny wedi arbrofi â llawer o arddulliau a thechnegau, ond mae ei ffynonellau ysbrydoliaeth bob amser yn dod o atgofion cynnes a chysylltiad dwfn â natur.

Mae cefndir academaidd Jenny mewn gwyddorau bywyd yn ychwanegu persbectif unigryw at ei chelf ac mae’r cysylltiad hwn â’r byd byw yn amlwg yn y themâu a’r motiffau y mae’n eu harchwilio yn ei phaentiadau. Er ei bod yn byw mewn amgylchedd drefol, mae ei hatgofion plentyndod o’i magwraeth yng nghefn gwlad yn dylanwadu’n drwm ar ei phaentiadau, ac mae ei gwaith yn gyson yn portreadu teimladau hapus, hiraeth a llonyddwch gwledig.

Mae comisiynau paentio Jenny wedi bod yn heriol ac amrywiol, yn amrywio o ddyluniadau cloriau llyfrau a chylchgronau i ddehongli’n weledol waith ysgrifenedig gan feirdd adnabyddus megis Syr Andrew Motion. Mae hi bob amser wedi bod yn ymwneud yn helaeth â llawer o fentrau creadigol ym Mryste, gan gynnwys y llwybrau cerflunio llwyddiannus a drefnwyd gan Aardman, a gododd filiynau o bunnoedd i elusen blant Wallace a Gromit, The Grand Appeal. Mae Jenny yn cyfaddef ei bod yn gaeth i greu lluniau a phaent bron bob dydd yn ei stiwdio fach gartref. Mae’n daith greadigol werth chweil iddi ac nid yw wedi edrych yn ôl ers newid ei gyrfa.

Jenny Urquhart's journey from working as a biology teacher to self-taught artist is one of joy and self-discovery. She started painting in 2010 and since then her work has been hung in galleries and homes all over Bristol and the Southwest. Having had no formal training, Jenny has experimented with many styles and techniques, but her sources of inspiration are always drawn from warm memories and a deep connection to nature.

Jenny’s academic background in life sciences adds a unique perspective to her art and this connection with the living world is evident in the themes and motifs she explores in her paintings. Despite living in an urban environment, her memories as a child growing up surrounded by countryside heavily influences her paintings and her work consistently portrays happy feelings of rural nostalgia and tranquillity. 

Jenny’s painting commissions have been challenging and varied, ranging from book and magazine cover designs to visually interpreting written work by well-known poets, such as Sir Andrew Motion. She has always been heavily involved in a lot of creative ventures in Bristol, including the successful sculpture trails organised by Aardman, that raised millions of pounds for Wallace and Gromit’s children’s charity, The Grand Appeal. Jenny admits to being addicted to creating pictures and paints almost every day in her small studio at home. It is a rewarding creative journey for her and she hasn’t looked back since her change in career.  

6 products
  • Llwybr i Tŷ Coch / Path to the Tŷ Coch
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  • Bae Llanbedrog / Llanbedrog Bay
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  • Golygfa gyntaf yn Nhŷ Coch / First view of the Tŷ Coch
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  • Golau gyda’r nos ym Mhorthdinllaen / Evening light at Porthdinllaen
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  • Tro o Aberdaron / A walk from Aberdaron
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  • Breuddwydio am yr Hâf / A dream of Summer
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